Thursday, April 23, 2015

Summary Book 1-2

Book 1 After the Trojan War and Penelope's husband Odysseus hasn't returned. it's been 20 years. Poseidon is making his journey home difficult because of a grudge he has against him for poking out the eye of his son. All the gods are chilling having dinner together, except for Poseidon, he's probably getting his revenge. Zeus's daughter Athene asks her father to spare her favorite mortal Odysseus and have mercy. Zeus thinks Poseidon needs to grow up about it eventually because all the other gods like Odysseus so much. Meanwhile Odysseus is being held captive on an island with the witch name Kalypso because she loves him and wants to marry him or something. Athene goes to Odysseus's son disguised as Mentes. They are also greedy as they are eating and drinking all of the family's things. Athena soon convinces Odysseus son to talk to the council. He soon starts his journey to find his father.

Book 2
The council had told his son that his mother has to choose someone to marry. They claim that she has an ulterior motive. They say she had been graced with the wits to fool all the men in the town. She said she'd marry but yet she keeps pulling tricks and keeps the men waiting. He starts his journey to find his father.

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